How to Celebrate in a Pandemic Part Two
My nephew graduated from high school today, and I didn't get to hug him. I was apprehensive about his parents and my niece attending the spacious outdoor event, but this was a life milestone they refused to cancel on their calendars.
I watched live online, and seeing him radiate joy through the digital display, I understood. He strode across the outdoor platform in his graduation attire, gown and hat, adorned with a matching face mask. Though unable to see his smile, I knew it was there. He was happy to see his classmates again, even though they were six feet apart. He was glad to mark the transition from childhood to adulthood. He seemed relieved to be with his immediate family during a joyous moment, as if life was almost normal again.
As we navigate the land mines COVID-19 has planted, we continue to make tricky daily decisions. Parents, school officials, and teachers are grappling with the idea of virtual versus live classes next month. I have no skin in the game, but I tell everyone who will listen, the kids should stay home another semester. Painful, yes. Deadly, no.
However, at least for today, I am glad my family didn't listen to my pandemic angst. All we have is the present, and today they celebrated their graduate. He deserved the moment.
Now, everyone get back inside your home and stay there. Just kidding, but not really.