Uplift and Mentor: The Youth need us

In these unprecedented trying times, I realize how invaluable mentorship is.
Young people today have so many factors to contend with my generation never did. We didn't have climate change or pandemics; our politics weren't a daily barrage of insults and anger. We didn't have Twitter or Facebook or any social media pressure whatsoever. Remote learning meant needing to take a bus to school, not staring at a screen for hours at a time.

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Find your joy, even in a Pandemic

My prescription to all of you, especially the multitude feeling overwhelmed by the stress of the times- bad news does abound everywhere- is to take some time to "bubble" for yourself. Find your nature and disconnect. It might do you a world of wonder. It did for me.

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Shira Shiloah, MDComment
Let Go Of The Outcome

I realized fear was holding me back. Fear of a bad outcome, fear of poor reviews, or worse, being mocked as an author. This was all ego and baseless fear. If the book was unsuccessful, why would it matter so much to me? There are plenty of books I do not like, and it says nothing of the author

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Shira Shiloah, MDComment

Her immediate family got a COVID-19 blood test... for active viral load? A blood test administered by a nurse practitioner to diagnose an active infection sent me in a tailspin of google searching. Is there a blood test currently available in the USA to diagnose this acute infection? In short NO. Absolutely not.

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Shira Shiloah, MD Comments